Banana production recovers in SC and should be 50% higher compared to 2021
Santa Catarina should increase banana production by 50% in 2022, compared to the previous year, according to the Center for Socioeconomics and Agricultural Planning (Epagri/Cepa), which estimates a production of 725.8 thousand tons against 480.7 thousand tons. thousand t in 2021. One of the factors that leveraged this growth was the recovery plan for banana plantations in Santa Catarina affected by the cyclone bomb in 2020. SC is the fourth largest banana producer in the country, responsible for 10% of national production and the second in productivity average. Production is concentrated in the North of Santa Catarina (50%), followed by Vale do Itajaà (35%) and the South of the State (15%).
According to Rogério Goulart Junior, socio-economic analyst at Epagri/Cepa, in the third quarter of 2020 there were adjustments in banana production areas with replanting between 20% and 50% of the plants, mainly in the North of Santa Catarina, where the orchards were most affected by the cyclone. , which took place on June 30 and July 1 of that year. “The banana growers managed to readjust the affected areas using the programs of the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development, with the contribution of resources from Pronaf via access to funding and investment credit, with interest rates of 2.75% for the affected municipalities and with a decree of emergency situation or state of public calamity because of the cyclone”, says the analyst.
He explains that for other cases, the interest for small producers was 2.75% to 4% per year, according to the 2020/2021 Crop Plan. As a public policy, the “Recover SC Project – Less Interest”, provided for the subsidy to interest on financing for the reconstruction of productive systems affected by the cyclone. “There was also an extension to December 15, 2020, the maturity of installments of rural credit operations for funding and investments contracted by farmers. The measure also benefited rural producers who showed a reduction in sales contracts and in the flow of production due to the reduction in demand due to the Covid-19 pandemic”, informs Rogério.
Fruit marketing in Brazil
In 2021, the country's supply centers sold more than 692,270 tons of bananas, with a negotiated value of around BRL 1.64 billion. In 2019, the state of Santa Catarina participated with 9.1% of the volume sold nationally, but with the effects of the cyclone on production and distribution difficulties in the pandemic, SC showed a reduction of 38.3% in the volume sold in 2020, but in the following year it was already had increased by 3% from the previous year's amount.
Santa Catarina sold, in 2021, more than 45.16 thousand tons of bananas at wholesale, which represented more than BRL 95.4 million. Prices negotiated in the wholesale market were up 14.9% over the previous year. In the comparison between the first four months of 2021 and 2022, the volume in Santa Catarina was 1.7% lower with a 5.7% increase in prices.
With increased production, the outlook for 2022 is also to increase the amount of fruit for export. According to Epagri/Cepa, the value of Brazilian exports in the first four months of 2022 was US$ 14.9 million, an increase of 24.3% compared to 2021. In the first four months of 2022, Santa Catarina participated with 50, 6% of the value of Brazilian exports, that is, with US$ 7.56 million, and with a volume of 18,800 tonnes sold of the fruit (52%).
In the comparison between the first four months of 2021 and 2022, the four main exporting states showed a 14.4% increase in the volume of fruit sent abroad and a 29.8% increase in the value of exports.
Source: Governo de SC, Abrafrutas
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